“Savile was one of the original presenters of (British Boradcasting Company - BBC)
‘Top of the Pops”
and he was a DJ doing very well and also doing music promotions for bands as big as the Beatles in the Northeast of England in Manchester and Liverpool...”
- Thomas Sheridan
Peter Sutcliffe was of the elite bloodline and carried out ritualistic Satanic murders with the aide of his nephew, Jimmy Savile, says Sheridan. The Police threw investigations into disarray to cover up an ‘untouchable’ because the ‘tops take care of their own.”
So, he was protected by family.
'Jack the Ripper’s accomplice' with Prince Charles
Read also:
Thomas Sherdan goes on to explain that one of Jack the Ripper’s murders took place behind Jimmy Savile’s flat. He was his accomplice and a Witch. Savile was the son of an illegitimate woman (he called her ‘The Duchess’ and cared for her clothes after her passing much like ‘Norman Bates’ in the movie “Psycho.”
Jimmy & The King of Rock 'n Roll, Elvis Presley
When Jimmy met Elvis
but first...
..the guy David Bowie based “Ziggy Stardust” on...
“Like a Satanic Eddie Cochran”
Vince Taylor was the beginning of British Rock ’n’ Roll. Before him there was nothing. He was a miracle.”-Joe Strummer of “The Clash”
Vince Taylor at his best !
Aleister Crowley’s Influence on Rock and Roll & Pop Culture
Hmmm... must be more numerology coming up.

Aleister Crowley: freemason!By Bro. Martin P. Starr
Savile, Beatles, Crowley,


(Pssssst....Look whose back is facing you
when you look at the words on the Sgt. Pepper’s album.)
Isn’t it kind of OBVIOUS?
If NOT...

pointing to, “A Day in the Life," this song on the Album.
(“Wednesday morning at 5’0clock...
the day it is said to have happened. 9 11 1966)
Listen near 2:11 sec. and 4:19 sec.
in the song...it’s the crash.)
“He blew his mind out in a car,” sang Lennon.
Perhaps this might refer to having knocked his head and somehow wound up in France where he was found wandering naked and thus becoming the “Fool on the Hill.”
Had indeed Brian Epstein been sent to retrieve him, they then may have had a return plane 'accident' in which Paul’s corpse was found on the beach terribly smashed up from falling from a great height.
Here was the first imposter...for a while...
In the music video,
“Free as a Bird,” it’s all about Paul.
One scene shows people rushing to a car accident.
as it may have appeared (found on the shore.)

And here we have the replacement essentially mocking the horrific state of the real walrus face. Nice guy, ‘Sir Paul McCartney” Reverse the face and it matches the video image. Satanists are really hip on reversing things.
The real Paul McCartney supposedly died (or was replaced) on 9th Nov 1966. This date has Illuminati fingerprints all over it.9/11 and 1966 is a master vibratory frequency year 22/4. (1+9+6+6 = 22/4 {so is the year 1984 surprise surprise**). So if an important ritual was to be carried out, this day had massive occult significance.
Reference has been made to the song "She`s Leaving Home." Some believe the first line "Wednesday morning at five o`clock as the day begins......." makes reference to Paul`s death, and if you check the 1966 calendar you`ll see the 9th november fell on a wednesday in 1966. (9-11-66)... from The Reptilian Forum:http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showpost.php?p=465699&postcount=53

There was a guy already working with us that was able to imitate Paul's voice in a cogent manner and his face as presented was wonderfully compatible in regards to his profile elements displacement and to jawbone shape, two key factors in determining the correct candidate that the cosmetic surgeons could use.
with the band The Diplomats
-Denny Laine (second from L) is the leader and friend of Ringo

“Faul - ‘Fake Paul’
The whole thing would have come to an end and the members and creators and Illuminati handlers all decided to keep it going using plastic surgery,
make-up and swearing participants
to silence upon threat of death.

( Faux Paul McCartney )
before plastic surgery
His name was Phil Ackrill.
and again...
Previously he was with "The Diplomats Band” headed by Denny Laine
"A biometrical analysis by a team of Italian forensic scientists has proven Paul McCartney was replaCIAed by a CIAlebrity impersonator in 1966. The mandibular curve, the tragus, the nasal spine, the palate, & the canines were suddenly different, making it impossible that it was the same person.
It's possible the Illuminati tried to use the Beatles to push a drug agenda (LSD) on the public as part of MK-ULTRA. Paul, reserved in his drug usage. probably refused to go along with their agenda and was eliminated. They found a stooge double who could exploit Paul's popularity to promote their agenda. Not long after, Faul (Faux Paul) began promoting LSD use & the drug culture in interviews, and according to George Harrison, "the whole world went crazy." Paul's murder not only eliminated someone who wouldn't get w/ the program, it may also have served as a warning to friends & family to not step out of line.”
More FABrication:

...Technically called trago [tragus: http://www.westone.com/content/234.html]. All we have two, one by ear, but the characteristics are different for every human being. ‘In Germany, a recognition procedure craniometric, identification of the right ear is even tantamount to fingerprint, ie the collection of fingerprints,’ recalls Carlesi. But what is trago? It is the small cartilage covered with skin that overhangs the entrance to the ear and ear canal, like the whole ear, cannot be changed surgically. How then to explain the differences between the right ear of Paul McCartney in a previous snapshot to 1966 and probably a built in the late nineties? It is not only to betray trago a different conformation as well as other parts, just above the ear canal entrance, measurements and dell'antelice propeller. Things that ordinary mortals might seem irrelevant or unclear, but instead, every day, allowing the experts to locate and identify persons, bodies, photographs...
"Ask Who Was the 'Beatle,'"

The first photo after Cosmetic Surgery/Sir Phil Ackrill TODAY!
a slam Dunk!
Undeniable Proof that Paul McCartney was replaced with a Look-Alike
...listen for yourself...on MAgicAlex’s Blog
"I’m NOT Paul McCartney, I’m a little kid masquerading, I don’t imagine I’m him !’
"Mark Devlin chats with Tina Foster, proprietor of the
Plastic Macca blog, (plasticmacca.blogspot.co.uk/), the web's leading source of information on 'Paul Is Dead’."
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