
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Your Subway Sandwich Spokesman Jared had a collegiate pornography rental Hairdo prior to new child porn cold cuts

Jared Fogle Sentenced to More Than 15 Years in Prison for Sex Crimes Against Children

The illuminated brainwash social programmers created an athlete (Bruce Jenner) and then changed his brainwashed sexual image (Caitlyn) to confuse and ultimately destroy your idea of adulation.

The Illuminated Brainwash machine is having you NOW believe... jared fogle net worth,jared fogle dead , jared fogle salary, jared fogle story, jared fogle diet, jared fogle subway, jared fogle frankeDiet & Nutrition come from...Pornography!

Your fat-to-slim created image 
is being torn down.

Jared lives in (cough, cough)

1. ZIONville ...(get it!)

2. OGLE...get it


According to the deep investigative journalistic source, VH1 Celebrity Gossip (oooh, nice, V+1= 6 and there’s your ‘V’


 ran a very successful pornography rental company out of his bedroom. His porn collection was vast and extensive.


For illustration purposes only

jared fogle net worth,jared fogle dead , jared fogle salary, jared fogle story, jared fogle diet, jared fogle subway, jared fogle frankenweenie, jared fogle 2014

3. The obvious pre-planned lecherous 


shot probably prepared for this 

sandwichian downfall.

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