n. - A sectarian; a member or adherent of a sect; a follower or disciple of some particular teacher in philosophy or religion; one who separates from an established church; a dissenter. 2
“Backward Masking’ is what John Lennon (and others) used to insert messages revealed when played backwards. The point we cut here in the salon is that John Lennon’s faked assassination was telegraphed.
Feeling Brainwashed right about now? Well, leave it to another profound ‘Paper’ by Miles Mathis to give the Deprogrammed Mind a new hair-do if you are tired of being a housewife.
john lennon assassination conspiracy theoriess Death,
Our Staff Shampoo Master and photojournalist shot with a Nikon and printed deadline newspaper photographs using liquids, photo paper and a 70’s era darkroom. He has always wondered how anyone believed Mark Chapman could have received an autograph from this badly altered image. The MK Ultra brainwashed stooge is not even there.
------- You have to see the film, “Let Him Be,” to see ‘Mark' hold the guitar like John and stand like him and exhibit John’s presence.
(Spoiler Alert!) Our professional actor and director on staff regards the scene with the Sheriff to be terribly staged and simply does not match the rest of the acting work in the film. It is an insert. He turns to an absolutely adoring Sheriff who has come to ‘quiet the loud playing’ and ‘Mark’ delivers his lines precisely as one might direct a famous person to ‘pretend’ he is delivering real lines. john lennon assassination facts
Let Miles take you through the rinse and set. HERE.
Here is the first performance poster on their return from Germany in which it is said to be THE distinct and noticeable moment of change in the crowd's energetic response witnessing their live performance.
WELLLLL..., at the salon here we have what must be
one of the earliest photographs of John Lennon testifying that he has sold his soul to the Devil... here with a young James Paul McCartney and 15-year-old George Harrison as they were performing as:
flashes ‘The Sign of The Horns,’ ’The Devil’s Horns,’ ‘El Diablo,’
‘The Illuminati Hand Sign,’...whatever.
Let Anton McVeigh, Satanic MK Ultra Mind Control Handler to the Stars explain what John Lennon is actually doing in this photograph in 1958 before ’The Beatles’ came into being.
John Lennon casting “The Sign of The Horns,” a Satanic Hex in 1958
So, why would someone want to
It set up the British Invasion Change of
American Society Hairdo
"Marxist Minstrels - The Beatles”
Henry Makow
...and on one of our favourite unbrainwashed sites here at the Salon...
(Our Staff Shampoo Master and Professional Voice Artist says, “That’s someone using an accent. It is not even in its’ inflection which leaves an indistinct tonal quality in the delivery.”)
Be sure to notice an older person’s neck because he looks younger in the lights.
Notice how low the large round spectacles
sit LOW on his face
to hide the
-sharp definition above the nostrils-
...and so, if all that was not quite enough of a hair cut...consider this.